
The Jessica Pressler penned true-life Robin Hood tale centers on a crew of former strip club employees who turn tables on their Wall Street clientele. Lopez is set to play the ringleader of the group of ambitious women who take their plans of getting their full cut too far. The film takes place in the late aughts of New York City in the wake of the financial crisis and explores the toll it took on the livelihood of the dancers who relied on their Wall Street clients.

This was ALOT better than I thought it would be.  Like the telling of the story was very enjoyable and well paced and the acting across the board was really good.  I watched this online and enjoyed it so much that I wish I would have seen it in theaters.  Easily the best performance of Jennifer Lopez's career.

I would definitely recommend people checking this out.  This is a much better watch than what would normally come out in September.  Definitely worth checking out.



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